Some more cool resources!


How personal projects can help get you hired and boost UX skills

@Justin Wong (justinvent.ux)

During our Project Kickstarter GM, Justin shared his experience and tips on how to start personal projects to break into UX Design!


An amazing resource if you’re researching design jobs, case studies, or looking to talk to an industry designer!

Another great place to look for new design opportunities

3D Printing @ Jacobs Hall

@Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation

If you’re interested in 3D Modeling, Jacobs Hall offers Berkeley students free 3D printing services through JPS! Feel free to check out their 3D modeling tutorials or find a STL file online and try printing it! There are also 3D modeling classes (like decal and ENGIN 25) that are usually offered every semester so make sure to look out for those too!

Intro to Adobe Illustrator

@Innovative Design

Exploring tools for graphic design? Check out the Illustrator Workshop taught by Innovative Design! Shout out to Arthur Yu for giving us a live demo during GM#4~


Design [Advisors]